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[DOWNLOAD] ~ McKinsey Management Techniques (EBOOK BUNDLE) " by Ethan M. Rasiel ~ eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free

McKinsey Management Techniques (EBOOK BUNDLE)

eBook details

  • Title: McKinsey Management Techniques (EBOOK BUNDLE)
  • Author : Ethan M. Rasiel
  • Release Date : January 18, 2011
  • Genre: Management & Leadership,Books,Business & Personal Finance,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 8643 KB


Hone your management strategy and skills for long-term success—the McKinsey Way

Two books in one eBook package!

The international bestseller The McKinsey Way provides a through-the-keyhole look at McKinsey & Company, the world’s leading management consulting firm. The McKinsey Mind reveals the hands-on secrets behind the firm’s success—and explains how executives from any industry can use those tactics to be more proactive and successful in their day-to-day decision-making.

Now, McKinsey Management Techniques combines both books into a single ebook—so you can access valuable management lessons of this legendary firm wherever and whenever you have your eBook reader.


Get an inside look at how the secretive McKinsey works its magic—and learn how to emulate the firm's well-honed practices in problem solving, communication, and management. This detailed guide teaches you how to think about business problems, solve them, and approach every aspect of a task the McKinsey way. Learn how to:
Recruit and mold elite consultants
Sell without “selling"
Jumpstart research and make brainstorming more productive
Keep a team at the top its game
Create and deliver powerful presentations

The McKinsey Mind

The McKinsey Mind reveal the ways in which McKinsey consultants consistently deliver their magic—and how you can apply their lessons to achieve exceptional results in companies from 10 employees to 10,000. Packed with insights and brainstorming exercises for honing your “McKinsey mindset,” this in-depth guidebook helps you:
Frame business problems to make them susceptible to rigorous fact-based analysis
Use the same fact-based analysis—in conjunction with gut instinct—to make strategic decisions
Conduct meaningful interviews and summarize the content of those interviews
Analyze the data to find out the "so what"
Clearly communicate fact-based solutions to all pertinent decision makers
Capture and manage the knowledge in any organization to maximize its value

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